Panglao International Airport is an eco-friendly structure with environment-friendly facilities. Built on an area of 216ha, it can accommodate up to two million passengers yearly. It makes use of Japanese technologies, solar energy, and natural ventilation, thus reducing the airport’s carbon dioxide emissions by 18 tons annually.
Formalum Industries, Inc. supplied and installed wood, aluminum, and glass for the airport. All materials and processes employed for this project adhered to the requirements of the Japanese Industry Standards and the American Society for Testing and Compliance.
Formalum supplied and installed the following:
Glass and Aluminum for Curtain Walls
Glass and Aluminum Doors
Glass and Wood for Louvers
Wood Ceiling
Wood Stairs
Insulated Glass (for the Control Tower)
Steel Baluster Railings
Status: Project Completed
Panglao International Airport
Location: Panglao, Bohol